Sketch books

Today I made two more sketch books/journals called Stellar and Jonquil. Let me know if you want one.

Stellar is a pretty pink and golden burst of light and colour, with ripple paper and a textured cover. She is A5 in size and coptic bound for ease of use.

Jonquil has a Spring flavour with lovely embossed swirls dancing among green and gold. Jonquil has lovely textured buff pages and a shellac’d cover.

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And on the 5th day she made…

…three more books to add to the family. I am on a roll, having taken the week off work while the kids are on school holidays and since the kids seem to think its a holiday for me I thought I should treat as such and indulge in my kind of play! So here are my latest creations, feel free to leave a comment or email me if you would like to order one or do a class and learn how to make your own!

Journey, who is bound to delight you as you record your own stories of your own journey. Journey is colourful and fun with hand dyed textured papers and world maps on the covers, coptic bound and sealed for durability.

Melody, a pretty little book with coffee dyed pages of lovely textured papers, covered in shellaced vintage pianoforte sheet music. Melody, like her other family members, is coptic bound and a little larger than A5, approximately 15x23cm.

Le Jardin, with a little French vintage influence,  has a cover of textural delight and a window into tea dyed pages, making her something special. The perfect gift for soemone special.

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Introducing Candy Apple!

Ooh la la! Here is miss Candy Apple-she is just the sweetest thing!
She is simply delicious with her sugar bag cover, coptic binding in traditional linen thread and her syrupy coating of shellac, and she would love to be your special recipe book. Just send a message if you’d like to place an order.

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Magical Moments-Book art/bookbinding workshop

Join me on Saturday 30 June at my Auckland studio to create your very own Coptic bound Magical Moments books. In this book you will play with gorgeous Atalier acrylic paints, create a textured cover, attach trinkets and charms, beads and images, stamp and emboss, then you will learn the ancient art of Coptic Binding to sew your creation together. You can use your book as a journal, album, or somewhere to write your own verse, prayers, reflections or whatever inspires you to cherish those magical moments.

This workshop is suited to both experienced Bookbinders and beginners. I will guide you through the process using your own theme, ideas and inspiration. The cost is $80 for everything you need but feel free to bring your own images, jewellery to recycle and any other treasures.

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Little Miss Sunshine-a new workshop just for fun! What a lovely way to relax in preparation for Mothers Day!

Little Miss Sunshine is my most recent creation. She is just adorable, featuring the prettiest of pages hand dyed in pinks, oranges and yellow. Her cover is embossed card, which has been lovingly sealed in shellac for an antique finish and hand stitched using the ancient art of Coptic binding. If you would like to create your very own journal at my Waimauku studio (NW Auckland, NZ) on 12 may, just let me know by emailing

January’s creations

This month i have been soaking up the relaxed pace of school holidays and creating just for creativity’s sake.

Both of these journals are approximately A5 size. One is using the more traditional Quarter Bound method, great for serious business, manly or womanly. The other journal is a fusion of my current passions with paper-embossed and patina’d copper coloured paper on the cover -giving this journal a really organic feel. It has tea-dyed pages and linen thread. The paper was cut by hand with my saw! I can make these two journals to order so just message me your request.

Treasure journal

This journal is super chunky and packed with treasure to kick start the treasure collector or inspire creative expresion in the very young or young at heart. It is sturdy enough to hold more objects, photos and ephemera or you can use it to journal, draw and write-dare to be inspired!
I will be running a class to create your own Treasure journal Jan/Feb so let me know if you want to be there!

Perspectives inspiration journal

This journal was inspired by the surreal and distorted images I achieved with my pinhole camera, and combined with some beautiful and thought provoking quotes of timeless wisdom from Buddha and Dalai Lama. I hand cut this lovely textured paper with a serrated knife, painted frames with gesso onto it , then force-fed it into my printer. I am pleased with the results! I then typed the quotes with an antique typewriter and bound it with olive linen thread using the straight stitch method.